T.I.M. Review — Familiar story sees AI robot wreck havoc

T.I.M. is a story about the dangers of artificial intelligence, along with the risks attached to releasing unfinished products to the world. At its heart is a couple, Abi and Paul, who are already plagued with trust issues. Abi is given a test model of an AI robot servant she is working on, and things go sideways as the robot begins to develop feelings for her.

The film utilizes a lot of modern concerns we see with technology — deepfakes, surveillance, voice-changing softwares and obviously AI. T.I.M. sets a chilling atmosphere, but its biggest problem is that these plotpoints and ideas are overused, and unfortunately, it really doesn’t bring anything new to the table.

Playing Abi is Georgina Campbell, who also stars in Barbarian. She definitely carries this film, conveying a lot of emotion in her performance. Eamon Farren is also great as T.I.M., delivering his lines in a monotone manner, capturing the creepy essence of his character.

This flick does a good job of slowly showing us suspicious moments, building up to the when it all breaks loose. The backstory that the characters are given helps, as when things do start to become strange, there is a lack of trust that adds more tension.

Overall, T.I.M. is a good movie, but it relies on an overused sci-fi storyline without doing much differently. I actually enjoyed almost all of the film, but there was still a little left to be desired in the end. If this plot sounds interesting to you, I’d recommend giving T.I.M. a shot — just don’t expect to be blown away.

Rating: 3 out of 5

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