Which Brings Me To You Review — A different type of romance movie

Which Brings Me to You released in U.S. theaters on Jan. 19. The film follows Jane and Will, who are immediately drawn to each other at a friend’s wedding. After a disastrous hookup, they spend the next 24 hours sharing memories from their past and building a relationship.

After the first 30 minutes of Which Brings Me to You, I didn’t know how I felt. This presents a bold way to tell a romance story, as reminiscing on flashbacks is literally the entire plot. This makes the movie different from others in the genre, while also being slightly messy at times. Sometimes I found myself connecting with these characters on a deep level, but in other moments it felt like the flick wasn’t really amounting to much.

What stands out in this film to me is that it truly does try to be genuine and real in moments. Of course, there are the classic romance movie clichés and tropes, but there is also a true attempt at real-world relatability, which can oftentimes be lost in movies of this nature.

Having a pair relate over their past trauma and life experiences is one of the most realistic ways to tell a love story that I’ve seen, as that is how we connect — by sharing the most vulnerable parts of ourselves. In a way, this is just a beautiful story of overcoming challenges and becoming the best version of yourself for someone else.

The biggest problem with Which Brings Me to You is that it all happens in a single day. Limiting this to just 24 hours makes it feel less impactful, as we never get to see this couple grow together. There’s only so much that you can do in a day, and at a certain point, that becomes evident in the film.

Overall, Which Brings Me to You is a unique movie in the romance genre that isn’t afraid to tackle real-world issues that we see in relationships. The characters are mostly relatable, but sometimes their stories do feel slightly outlandish. It’s a very small-scale, slow-paced movie, and I think that makes it stand out.

Rating: 3 out of 5

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